It has been a really rolig/fun and rewarding vecka/week for me. On måndag/Monday I met up with Mary and her dotter/daughter Isabel from Washington state for a fika and chat, mest/mostly about politics. Meeting like-minded people when it comes to traveling and being exposed to andra/other cultures is such a cool thing.

On tisdag/Tuesday I got recognized by a girl while walking around a department store to hitta/find a present for my wife’s födelsedag/birthday. A short chat and I thanked her for approaching me. Still such a överraskande/surprising thing.
On onsdag/Wednesday I had a long fika followed by a promenad/walk through the city with Angelica from Switzerland. Such a good talk about how others might uppfatta/perceive you versus how you see yourself. The music of Adele certainly added to the atmosphere at one point.

On torsdag/Thursday I met up with James from England (though he’s also half-French). Another really good talk, this time about språk/languages and moving ot other länder/countries.

On fredag/Friday I was on my way into a tourist shop (I know, not the billigaste/cheapest place to go, but they need business too) to buy the last few vykort/postcards for my project of writing to some of my followers when again I was recognized by a man. He had been following me on Youtube for many years and said that my stuff verkligen/really helped him learn Swedish. Again, still such an oväntad/unexpected thing to happen.

Today, lördag/Saturday, I was halted almost by a woman while I was running. She också/also thanked me for my videos and I ran on with a big leende/smile.
The point here is not to somehow skryta/brag about how famous I am, but rather to uppmärksamma/acknowledge to myself that what I do really has a positive impact on other people. That is a underbar/wonderful position to be in, where my passion of making videos sends out not just good vibes, but people are faktiskt/actually benefitting from it as well. So I am going to take this really extrovert week, where I met lots of new people for the första/first time, and savor it for those moments of self-doubt, when I känner/feel that what I does not matter. I will continue to do good shit cause then good shit will happen.
Likes, comments, saves, messages, video messages (älskar dessa/love these) are wonderful ways of communicating, but seeing others grow because of what I do, is den bästa känslan/the best feeling.
28 November, 2022 at 10:13
Du är bäst.
28 November, 2022 at 10:50
28 November, 2022 at 17:37
I started to follow you recently since I moved to Sweden a couple of months ago and seeing your videos on Instagram has became a routine for me. It’s really nice to get familiar with a new language through your posts. Thanks for what you do!
28 November, 2022 at 22:51
Thank you so much Fatima. That truly means a lot to me, and gives me positive pressure to keep doing better content. 🙂
28 November, 2022 at 18:53
Du hjälper mig verkligen, tack
28 November, 2022 at 21:20
So kul! Tack för allt, det hjälper mig mycket!
28 November, 2022 at 22:50
Det gör mig väldigt glad att läsa.
30 November, 2022 at 00:43
Wowww! What a joyful and warm week even under the snowy weather. Thanka for sharing. It was good to read about your soon Xmas presents hahaha But I suspect that there always will be Xmas in your life🌲🎁✨️💝🧚♂️ Cheers!🥂
1 December, 2022 at 08:11
Tack Martin. Just nu tittar jag på dina videos för att öva och förbättra min svenska accent. Tack för allt du gör för oss
2 December, 2022 at 14:15
Your “God morgon” reals are a great start of the day. They are fun and sometimes food for thought. And as an added bonus I learn some Swedish. Thank you for everything you do/share.