Right now, I’m sitting here planning out my äventyr/adventures for 2023, and I am excited. It’ll be a cool year. Sweden firar/celebrates 500 years, culminating on June 6 as Gustav Vasa was coronated on that date in 1523. Our current kung/king will celebrate 50 years in service, Sweden Rock Festival its 30th edition and also me and my wife’s 10 year bröllopsdag/wedding anniversary.

Content-wise, I really want to up the game. I will definitely not ge upp/give up on my morning talks on Instagram, but maybe put more effort into andra/other types of videos. I will most likely go back to doing my monthly vlogs on Youtube, which will be in både/both Swedish and English with the normal subtitles. I plan on making videos on the road and besöka/visit interesting places around the country. Maybe tell you fascinating information about grejer/stuff. I will also try to go live on Instagram more often. I did one a few weeks ago and I got the känsla/feeling that it was appreciated.
Another important thing of course is to inkludera/include you, the people that follow me, ännu mer/even more. One of my hopes for the summer is to organize a fysiskt/physical event, get-together, happening, call it what you want, to stärka/strengthen the idea of bridging cultures through languages. I have done många/many of these before, but then mostly around youtube creators, so it’ll be interesting to see how this could be done in an interesting sätt/way for many of you that actually bor/live here in Sweden. And no, it’s absolutely not a fan event, ha ha. Nej, nej, nej! We’re all in this tillsammans/together, my friends.
In the kommande/coming weeks I will workshop these ideas, ensam/alone and with other creators, but I obviously want to include you in this. What would you like to see more of on theswedishlanguage on Instagram and theswedishlad on Youtube? Let me know as a kommentar/comment. All suggestions are welcome.

I am very exalterad/excited for 2023, and I look forward to getting some well-deserved rest in what återstår/remains of 2022. As I’ve mentioned, I am working on my 2022 summary video. It’s looking good so far.
Gott snack/good talk
18 December, 2022 at 12:13
The most important:the 10 yrs with your wife!!
Second:go more live!
Third:keep the morning post!
Fourth:go on the way you are doing,so at the end of 2023 we all speak swedish!
Thank you for taking the time to post every morning!
18 December, 2022 at 12:46
Yes, everyone should speak Swedish in a year, ha ha.
19 December, 2022 at 16:10
18 December, 2022 at 12:33
Hej. Jag älskar din god morgon pratar! I am new to your account eventhough I have started att lära mig svenska ensam redan. I love your content and I love the daily dose of the swedish lad. I would really love to learn more about swedish way of life, interesting day to day saker and visiting places since I am a traveler at heart. We plan on visit Sweden in 2024, finally. Vi ses och tack så mycket
18 December, 2022 at 12:45
Det låter underbart. I will do my best so that you’re a perfectly fluent Swede by 2024 🙂
18 December, 2022 at 12:53
Det låter allt underbart. Jag skulle uppskatta om dju skriver dina planer också på svenska för oss som vill ju lära oss ditt språk . Varje dag ser jag fram emot till din morgon prat, fortsätta gärna.
Ha trevliga juldagar
Hälsningar från Hannover i Tyskland
18 December, 2022 at 12:54
Det låter allt underbart. Jag skulle uppskatta om du skriver dina planer också på svenska för oss som vill ju lära oss ditt språk . Varje dag ser jag fram emot till din morgon prat, fortsätta gärna.
Ha trevliga juldagar
Hälsningar från Hannover i Tyskland
18 December, 2022 at 13:47
Stort tack Claudia. Ja, det är alltid svårt att veta vilken nivå jag ska vara på, men variation är ju bra. 🙂
18 December, 2022 at 14:04
Love the daily talks on Insta, and would like to see more live streams but make sure we know well in advance! I really like the idea of travelling out of Stockholm sometimes and perhaps doing a few interviews with other Swedes.
Thanks for all you do – can’t wait to visit and practice my Swedish!
18 December, 2022 at 13:07
jättebra jobb du gör här.
jag gillar din insta. <3
Har en god återstår 2022
18 December, 2022 at 13:46
Tack detsamma <3
18 December, 2022 at 14:05
Jag tycker om mina svenska lektioner varje morgon. Bra gjort!
18 December, 2022 at 14:17
Tack så mycket för prata varje morgon på Instagram. Jag älskar det jättemycket. Är det mögligt att visa mer av Sverige. Jag vill resa till Sverige i 2023 eller 2024. Har en god jul!
18 December, 2022 at 14:28
Ja, jag vill visa upp mer av Sverige nästa år.
18 December, 2022 at 15:09
Hälsningar från Finland! Jag är jätteglad att ha hittat dina Instagram-videos. De är så trevliga att titta på, att det har blivit en vardagsrutin för mig att följa dem. Hjärtligt tack för dem. Litet tvivlar jag nog på, om min svenska blir flytande nästa år, men förbättring kan man alltid hoppas på. Lycklig juletid!
18 December, 2022 at 18:02
Vi får göra vårt bästa 🙂
18 December, 2022 at 17:24
All of your plans sound amazing and I’m sure 2023 will be the best year for you yet.
Please don’t give up the morning chats. I love that bridge.
I spend my time vlogging and travelling for content so a meet up in Sweden would be amazing opportunity to come back and experience the beautiful country again.
Keep up the good work and thank you (as always) for your time in helping us all learn and be more positive humans.
18 December, 2022 at 18:03
Thank you so much for your words, Louise. Yes, let’s make 2023 awesome!
18 December, 2022 at 18:10
I am looking forward to your new content. As I “said” before the God Morgon reels are nice. I loved the live the other day. But I agree with a previous comment, your 10th anniversary is the most important event.
18 December, 2022 at 19:13
Appreciate your morning talk på svensk. Good way to pick up Swedish also Swedish culture! Looking forward to your sharing of Swedish landscape in 2023😊 Vi ses!
20 December, 2022 at 16:38
I can’t wait.
18 December, 2022 at 20:17
Hej !
I am new so i have the experience only for over a week but i really find what i need .
Insta account är underbar as it is and what you plan to add sounds även bättre.
But above all , happy tenth anniversary with your wife. Life is best with love in it.
Looking forward for 2023 in all aspects and I want to talk better Swedish .
Hälsa till alla från södra av Sverige.
20 December, 2022 at 16:39
I love how you implement my blog style of mixing between languages. Sweeet!
19 December, 2022 at 01:24
Continue avec tes vidéos matinales
C’est très beau, simple et plein de motivation
Je t’adore et j’adore tes petites vidéos
Bon courage
20 December, 2022 at 16:40
Merci beaucoup pur ton.. words. My Francais is a bit rusty these days.
19 December, 2022 at 11:20
Hej Martin
I really enjoy your morning Posts on Instagram – thank you for your efforts & time!!🙏
Sounds Like an exciting year 2023.
All the best for you God Jul from Germany
We are travelling to SWEden next week – can’t wait😁
20 December, 2022 at 16:41
That is so exciting. If you swing by Stockholm, look for a man with a Sweden hat getting ready to swim in the ice water. 😉
19 December, 2022 at 12:16
Do whatever makes you happy. It’s all good❤️
20 December, 2022 at 16:41
19 December, 2022 at 14:59
Tack snälla för alla god morgonens! 2023 kommer att bli spännande. Ha en trevlig “rest” och god jul och nyår 🥳🥳
20 December, 2022 at 16:41
Tack så mycket!!! ❤️
19 December, 2022 at 17:17
Jag tycker det är svårt att använda uttryck som inte går att översätta direkt från engelska. Till exempel “hur bra som helst”. Eftersom du pratar så tydligt fastnar det verkligen i minnet. Så jag hoppas att du kommer fortsätta med vardagsspråk och uttryck som är svårt att lära sig utifrån läroböcker. Tack så mycket för din insats!
20 December, 2022 at 16:42
Ja, det ska jag göra. Och ja, vissa saker är verkligen svåra att översätta. 😅
19 December, 2022 at 22:43
I’m new subscriber and enjoying your posts. It’s interesting to hear you speak and read your thoughts. And to see your surroundings. The world is a beautiful place. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
20 December, 2022 at 16:43
Thank you so much for your kind words, Sue. ❤️
20 December, 2022 at 17:09
Congrats for your marriage anniversary !!
Well, big thanks for to be every morning on Instagram videos I enjoy them a lot and learning little swedish words 😀
I would like to see videos from other places from Sweden and how is the life there, people , friends, etc.
All the best for you and your family this 2023 and Merry Christmas !! 🎄
21 December, 2022 at 13:04
Yes, I am excited to level up. Aaaand, I will probably start doing my monthly videos again, which would also be partly in slow Swedish, but longer than the Instagram posts. Yay!
21 December, 2022 at 04:55
Martin thank you for all you do! Your posts truly are a joy to watch & really help me learn your beautiful language. Keep doing what you’re doing! I have a feeling 2023 will be a superb year for you! Thank you for being you! 😁👊
21 December, 2022 at 13:04
Aawww <3 Thank you so much, Jen. Having such a supportive and dedicated community is an amazing feeling.
21 December, 2022 at 18:08
Your instagram is a success because it is you.
Don’t forget that. I have an interest in Swedish culture and language as my new daughter in law has Swedish heritage.
Somethings I’d like to see.
– small history snippets
– current Swedish culture
-current politics
-different parts of the country.
Things I’ve noticed here are that are great, candlelight,garbage collection,fika, men pushing prams. You might see as normal but is different to non Swedes. And would like explained.
22 December, 2022 at 08:51
Very good pointers. Thank you so much, Karen.
26 December, 2022 at 10:47
I really appreciate you taking the time for the morning talks. Each day I learn a little more of Swedish and its partially due to your videos. So thank you for that. I hope 2023 will be a great year for you and your family and all the plans that you have. As for me I wish I’ll be able to visit Sweden and put my learning to practice
Tack så mycket
26 December, 2022 at 11:58
The fact that people from all over the world is watching little me is a really cool thing.