In yesterday’s instagram post I asked you to tell me var/where you’re from, in order to visa/show the variety of people that can samlas/gather in a certain hub, in this fall/case my little Instagram account. The result was baffling. Over 80 countries as I’m writing detta/this. What an amazing privilege it is to be able to connect with människor/people from all corners of the globe like this.

In a small way it feels like traveling and vara/being there, while at the same time I just get the urge to head for the flygplats/airport and just fly out to upptäcka/explore. One person suggested I should go to Glacier National park in Montana, while on the roadtrip I’m planerar/planning in that part of the US, for example. I looked up some bilder/pictures and wow!
Elton John’s Circle of life comes to mind with the lines; “there’s more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than can ever be done.” And while I drömmer/dream of exploring the world, so many of you either live here in Sweden or are planning to come to besöka/visit or stay. And then I know that some people in our värld/world prefer to only be where they are and not wanting anyone “foreign” to flytta/move to their country, but wow, how they are missing out on the möjlighet/opportunity to connect with other people. To get an insikt/insight into their language, culture, mat/food and life stories.
I’d love to do a similar request like the one igår/yesterday, but instead of you telling me your country, it’d be cool if you would tell me your story. While we (probably) can’t all träffas/meet in this lifetime, imagine being able to dela/share our stories and learn more about the mindset, hopes and dreams we have, that we often also in various sätt/ways share.
There is so much fel/wrong in the world, but I truly believe that the opportunities of connectivity that we have, and the personal behov/need to explore and be open to others, will be the driving force for förändring/change, for peace.
Below are all the countries that responded in yesterday’s post, in Swedish. Sorry if I missed any.
Iran, Storbritanien, Tyskland, Nederländerna, Brasilien, USA, Italien, Belgien, Argentina, Indien, Polen, Serbien, Ukraina, Spanien, Grekland, Frankrike, Syrien, Turkiet, Australien, Irland, Kanada, Irak, Bosnien & Hercegovina, Kirgizistan, Finland, Venezuela, Schweiz, Tjeckien, Chile, Indonesien, Makedonien, Eritrea, Portugal, Mexiko, Österrike, Marocko, Lettland, Slovakien, Mongoliet, Pakistan, Kina, Nya Zeeland, Singapore, Luxemburg, Ecuador, Afghanistan, Estland, Colombia, Jordanien, Vietnam, Armenien, Sri Lanka, Ryssland, Bolivia, Belarus, Paraguay, Burundi, Uruguay, Kurdistan, Etiopien, Rumänien, Uzbekistan, Kenya, Saudiarabien, Filippinerna, Peru, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, Sydkorea, Israel, Tunisien, Dominikanska republiken, Danmark, Mozambique, Egypten, Slovenien, Nigeria, Libanon, Kazakhstan, Taiwan, Litauen, Sverige.
8 November, 2022 at 10:29
I don’t remember how did I get to your Instagram for the first time, but I can tell you and share with your followers what made me stay and interact in some posts and here: the genuineness of how you put your ideas to the world, I mean, despite the intention of teaching and spreading the Swedish language, you show a pure intention to connect. And I,myself,am so tired of people just wanting to sell and manipulate people. That’s what makes us stay,interact and feel secure and enjoy your posts. Also your genuine curiosity about your followers. One of the greatest qualities of o good friend is the interest they have about you,your feelings,dreams and desires. Being a good listener.That’s why you had this amount of people connected to your callings to interact, in my opinion. Cheers o/ \o
9 November, 2022 at 15:09
This is the kind of text that I will read on rainy days, on gloomy days and on any given day. I am very much an energy driven person, meaning I fuel up through connections and to be honest, appreciation for what I do (and who I am as an extension). The fact that the world is indeed filled with some of the best people in your life that you still haven’t met, is something I carry with me, and live by.
10 November, 2022 at 03:02
I am so happy to hear you are so blissful,Martin. Keep blooming and sharing, and thank you for expressing your sensitivity. It’s a brave act. <3
8 November, 2022 at 12:49
Izolda Carvalho expressed everything I feel about this account. I only use Instagram to “experience “ the world, and to push out the negativity that exists. I am practicing Swedish with theswedishlad. Other parts of the world that I “visit” via Instagram are: Iceland, where I learn about ponies, Scotland, where I learn about bagpipes, France, where I learn about cooking, Kenya, where I learn about conservation and anti-poaching, Australia, where I learn about -well-Australia, Quebec, where I learn about wildlife photography——-/and there are more. Our planet is full of intrigue.
8 November, 2022 at 17:12
Hey,Erika! Yes,we relate on this. So interesting your curiosity for exploring these places you mentioned. I have a similar willing, in my case, for this moment of my life that is to change from Brasil to the Netherlands and travel around all Europe countries when I’m living there. I am passioned by this idea. Beforehand, I am trying to get into a complete remote job so that I can work from everywhere while enjoying this adventure of traveling around in the second fifties of my life. Oh yes and hollidays in the summer of Brazil with my daughters 😉 Cheers Erika<3
9 November, 2022 at 15:02
Hey Erika
I think that is a fascinating approach to social media, to be an extension of your many interests. What a cool world we’re living in, if we can push out the negativity.
8 November, 2022 at 14:53
Greeting from Montana, America. I just got back from a trip to Denmark and Sweden. I use Instagram to see the world as well and inspire travels. I absolutely love the Nordic countries and have been with my family to Norway and Iceland as well. My heritage in from Northern Europe so perhaps I am just longing to return! I am from The east coast of America and have lived in the middle and the west coast. I love to travel, ski, hike, bike, camp, do art, read about history and follow many dogs and cats accounts on Instagram. 😆
9 November, 2022 at 15:05
It’s so cool how social media can up the game of an interest or a hobby. I love running but I’ve also lately gotten into the first steps of hiking. To nerd down on equipment, preparation and of course the exploring itself is cool. And you get to know others within that field of interest. One of my other Insta account is full of cat and wombat videos, ha ha.
22 November, 2022 at 21:48
I just discovered your IM feed today, so happy for the warmth you convey. I’ve been visiting Stockholm every summer for a week or two for the past eight years as part of a wider European trip. Now I’m planning to visit in December this year also. Sweden is the land of my ancestors who emigrated to USA over 140 years ago. So I feel a bond somehow and dream of buying an apartment there. Learning Swedish is a new goal for me. My husband died earlier this year and visiting traveling has been very therapeutic. Sending well wishes to you and birthday greetings to your wife.
23 November, 2022 at 08:25
Thank you so much Marjorie. Having such a connection and a purpose like learning the language can really enrich your life, and of course help you through the challenges that life will give you. I’m sorry to hear of your loss, but I do hope that the loss of a loved one can give many moments of appreciation and memories from what was shared. That is how I try to approach my feelings about those that are not with me anymore, a gratitude for what I learned during our time together on this Earth.
And I will certainly convey the birthday wishes. 🙂