We all have olika/different ways of living life, as well as expectations of life. Some of us let life hända/happen, others set goals. I think I am somewhere in-between but lutar/leaning towards the latter.

In the beginning of 2019, I set out to träna/exercise 150 times during the year. I failed. In 2020 I did the same and just missed the mark. Last year I was on the verge of misslyckas/failing again, but despite having the flu in December, I went out twice everyday for two veckor/weeks straight and did it.

So, I had to set a new mål/goal for this year. I wanted to focus on running, and running längre/longer. I decided on running 1000 kilometers which boiled down to roughly just under 3 kilometers per day. That sounds lätt/easy, but what happens when you miss a few dagar/days, or you’re sjuk/sick for a week, or life… gets in the way. Then you have to start catching up.
In March I ran my first half marathon. Like Forrest Gump I just kept on running. Since then I have gjort/done 5 more, three of them recently in a row. That includes a 25K run this sommar/summer and then suddenly, a 10K run had gone from a massive effort, to more or less the minimum. Framsteg/progress is made and it gives you a massive high.
As of right nu/now, I’m on target for 1000 kilometers, even though I know it won’t be as easy running long distance when it eventually starts to snöa/snow. So I need to give myself a buffert now.

Nästa/next year I will for the first time run several lopp/races. Not for speed but for completion and extra inspiration. I have some amazing ones picked out, and maybe one or two utomlands/abroad. Let me know if there’s a cool one where you live. I mean, vem/who knows? 🙂 The distance should be no longer than 30K as I am not quite up towards marathon lengths yet. It’s a process, but I’m very stolt/proud of where I am in that part of my liv/life.
How about you? Do you set any långsiktiga/longterm goals in your life, and how do you hanterar/handle the failures and success that come with them? Tack/thank you for reading.

21 October, 2022 at 23:00
I admire your determination! It seems that you are very good at setting goals, I had the same feeling when I read about your experience with languages. I wish I was more like you 🙂 I’m a mess. When I love something, I just do it and keep doing it while it is fun.
22 October, 2022 at 03:21
You are inspiring. And we all have times that we need to choose between various things to go up or to stay where we are. My long term goal makes me to wake up every day at 3 a.m. since a few years ago and I fight to achieve it every single day and I count my steps and every step matters. I am not like killing myself, but to go slowly, but consistently. In this process, the hardest part isn’t to wake up that early, but is to fight with the person, who I used to be yesterday, to be the person, that I should become today. I don’t say I always win, but I always try and move and don’t stop and inspiration and motivation comes from inside of me and that’s my power to see who I can become after like ten years from now.
22 October, 2022 at 12:09
Yes, many of the challenges we face in life does not come from other people, but our own mind. Determination, discipline and enjoying personal achievements are key here.