“How’s your quarantine” is a project where I had video calls with people around the world to hear about their experiences with the Covid-19 pandemic, what restrictions they have in their countries and how they spend their days, in lockdown or not?
Last week I posted the first video with seven countries. The countries included in the second video are England, Germany, Japan, Canada, Morocco, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the Philippines.
Nikki, who lives in Belgium is frustrated. “I understand that we all have to fight this together… but what about my mental health and the mental health of others?”, she said.
Michelle, who lives in the Philippines worried about the virus already in January as the first case was reported there. She hasn’t been outside of the house since March 12th.

Youness, who lives in Morocco heard about the virus and the severe lockdown from Chinese friends while visiting Iran in December. Even though he understands that the authorities had to take measures to prevent the spread of the virus in the country, he is frustrated with the lockdown.

Astrid who lives in Canada saw the change in public opinion when the first cases where reported and is also surprised about the Swedish approach of not shutting everything down.
This view is shared by Stefanie in Germany where they now have to wear a mask and not be around more than one other person outside of the household.
Jerry in England is working from home and alternates between two big screens and a small one while taking care of his son.

In Luxembourg, you can hang out with people from your house outdoors but the police will fine you €140 if you hang out with other people, says Guy.
Daniella is a Swedish student, currently living in Japan. The island where she lives only has two cases right now, so the restrictions (or rather recommendations) are not as tough as those in the major cities.

This project has been about getting a glimpse into various countries around the world in an effort to create an understanding that even though different governments approach this pandemic differently, we are all in this together.
Meanwhile, stay safe, stay clean and stay respectful.
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