It’s torsdag/Thursday so let’s enjoy a classic video from March 2019. Rebecca and I were at Vidcon in London tillsammans/together with fellow colleagues and friends and we decided to film a language challenge. But instead of trying to imitate each-other, we försökte/tried to figure out what things were called in the other person’s språk/language. Despite the fact that we’ve both lived in each other’s country, it proved to be somewhat svårare/trickier than we thought. 😂
We also added a bonus challenge when trying to tala/speak Danish. Lots of good energy in this one. This resa/trip was one of many great moments that year. I also managed to be utomlands/abroad in a different country every month of that år/year. I’ll tell you more about that another time. Here’s a pic of me and Rebecca in the Instagram lounge.

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