To komparera is to change an adjective from meaning what something is in a neutral way, to say that it’s more or less than something else to being the most extreme. This bild/picture was posted on theswedishlanguage instagram today, so I thought I’d give you some examples.

-Är det få människor där? Are there few people there?
-Nej, det är fler än du tror. No, there are more than you think.
-Trots att jag är äldst så är jag bäst. Even though I am oldest, I am the best.
-Ja, men du är inte längre än mig. Yes, but you’re not taller than me.
One fråga/question you might have is why dålig/bad appears in two different versions here. What is for example the difference between värre and sämre? It’s not completely clear but it’s in the way it’s used.
Sämre and sämst are neutral forms, while värre and värst really emphasizes the bad part. Examples:
-Regn är sämre än sol. Rain is worse than sun.
-Jag vill inte vara sämst, men det är jag. I don’t want to be the worst, but I am.
-Jag har aldrig mått värre. I have never felt worse.
-Ångest är det värsta jag vet. Anxiety is the worst thing I know.
Bonus info
Notice that värst gets an -a added. That’s because it’s the definite form. Swedish has this at the end of the word, as opposed to the English the. It is also pushed by the word det. Example of that:
-Han är värst. He is (the) worst. Swedish does not need the definite article here.
-Han är den värste. He is the worst. The masculine definite form gets an -e at the end.
-Hon är den värsta. She is the worst. The feminine definite form gets an -a at the end.
I know that this is a lot of information but focus on the different forms and let the part about masculine/feminine ändelser/endings to adjectives be something that you’re medveten/conscious about, but not necessarily what you fully need to förstå/understand right now.
19 October, 2022 at 10:49
Great artical! It’s possible to add option with listening Swedish pronunciation? 🤔
19 October, 2022 at 12:32
I’m working on a way to do that sustainably while still keeping up with the production speed.
19 October, 2022 at 15:23
Bra! ☺️
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